Sixty-one years. That's how long they've been Mr. and Mrs. — so far.
They've raised a family, built a home, chased multiple careers, invested in dozens and dozens of hobbies/causes/services/passions. And through it all, they kept their eyes and hearts on each other.
As the clock ticks, they hold each other closer and closer, with more tenderness, more gentleness, more grace and patience than ever before. That's the stuff that usually fades when age shows up, but the opposite is true for them.
The more they live, the deeper they love. And it's not a stupid, sappy, for appearances' sake love. It's a head-to-toe "though everything else has fallen away, you've been true blue" love.
Their mutual respect never stalled out, their desire for each other never faded, their rhythm, goals, and joys never got out of sync.
To be fair, they rarely saw eye-to-eye about how to get from A to B, but always agreed on the ultimate objective. They always presented a unified front to their kids, to their friends, to the world, no matter what went on behind closed doors. I never, ever once saw or heard them fight. I never heard an argument.
I know they disagreed on how much dad worked, day and night; and how hard mom pushed for what she wanted to get done next (ex: the "garage makeover" into extended living space.) I know they put up with each others' eccentricities, like dad's love for retelling the details of the latest book he's read and mom's unwavering plans for the next "big project." But the objective — raising a family, loving God, loving each other — was, and is, preeminent.
Mom and Dad — I know your parents would be so proud of you, the marriage you have and the parents you have been. Your children are so proud to be yours. You did a good job. You did a great job. I love you.
Happy 61.
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