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I was in Gorham because I had to be.

I was on assignment, covering the 53rd annual Gorham Pageant of Bands — all I had to do was write a quick story and snap some photos for a package.

But somewhere between my Jeep and the parade route, in the blazing hot sun by the concert band tents and the judges' stand, it happened.

I saw the excited, exhausted student musicians, I caught a whiff of the need-to-be-dry-cleaned uniforms, watched the plumes and flags fluttering in the wind, and heard the whir of white-washed wooden rifles spinning in the air. And I was transported back 45 years to my own experiences at this pageant — the sunburn and sweat, the focus and fury, the hope and desire to get a perfect score, the intense passion to do my part to support my teammates and director. It was all, for that afternoon, in present tense.

Yeah, I'm 45 years away from that experience, but I will never forget my friends, mentors, and classmates. They were my heroes and colleagues. And I was part of something bigger. And whether we won or almost won — we sweated, worked, laughed and cried together.

There I learned the value of being part of a team, of accomplishing a goal, of not letting others down. I also learned that when someone failed, it was all forgiven, because we were all trying to do our best.

I saw that in the eyes of the kids pushing hard on the parade route, and in the voices of their directors coaching them on to greatness. They were living what I still cherish, now 45 years later.

I wonder if they'll still remember after another 45 years have passed. Sure hope so.

See more photos here. 


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