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Showing posts from April, 2019

Scientist, game-changer, women's equality champion

Dr. Barbara Iglewski, director of international programs at the University of Rochester Medical Center, was inducted into the  National Women's Hall of Fame  in 2015. I had the honor of writing about the Gorham resident's life, research and accomplishments at that time. I've remembered every word she said in our interview.  Dr. Iglewski's landmark discovery that "pathogenic bacteria communicate with each other through a system known as quorum sensing showed how this system is a global regulator of virulence in humans." Her work served as the foundation for an entire field of study into how this system works across the various types of bacteria, and several drugs that interrupt the bacterial communication process, thereby preventing infections, have been developed based on her work. She became the first woman to lead a department at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, chairing the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Uni...

ROC beauty

  Rochester architecture is easy to take for granted. Every once in awhile I steal a moment or two to remember, and this was one of those nights. I never get tired of this view of the  Frederick Douglass Susan B Anthony Bridge and Strong Museum of Play Butterfly Garden.


This image of a former assistant district attorney and current Ontario County Court judge is a favorite of mine because it was captured in the throes of a local arson trial, on the landing between the first and second floor of the Ontario County Court House using only light from the window. Brian's ability to prosecute as a strategic, unflinching, tenacious bulldog in one breath and converse as a compassionate, respectful human being the next impressed enormously . This image reminds me that while there are many shades of grey in any trial, my hope lies in the confidence of a clear, fair, decisive ruling from the bench. (NOTE: This is not a political statement, endorsement, non-endorsement or tip of the hand as to my voting history or future. It's a photo I took on the fly, and I love the way it depicts right and wrong, good choices and bad, and in the end, the thing we all hope for: justice.)


This image was captured recently in St. Augustine (upper) and Clearwater (lower), Florida, where my mom and sister and I retraced the steps Mom and Dad took during their annual pilgrimages. I was so grateful to travel south for the first time in my life and cherish that meaningful time together. Even in black and white, I think they shine brilliantly.

Eastman memories

To my way of thinking the very epicenter of Rochester's beauty, artistry and creativity has been and always will be Eastman School of Music. I captured this late night image to bring to mind the hundreds of thousands of hours spent by decades of hopeful musicians in practice rooms, master classes, in lessons and auditions and in performances.  It brings back memories of my GRYWE concerts, lessons with Bonita Boyd, Linda DiMartino and John Thomas, and the awe-inspiring visual, emotional and auditory feasts spent under that twinkling chandelier. That's where I fell in love with music and with you, Eastman School of Music.