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Showing posts from November, 2013


I'm very fond of this portrait — a character in every sense of the word, Jim has earned the right to live life on his own terms. He and his wife are within days of purchasing this house with the sole purpose of giving it away.

Cover story

These are images I created for the front pages of a tab format community newspaper, The Victor Post. They appear in different sizes depending on what ads were sold that particular week. They are designed to capture attention and drive readers to the main story inside.

Details, the reprise

It always surprises me how well the details actually tell the story. And no one ever has to say "smile!" I'm for that... the bride and groom should be enjoying the moment and thinking of nothing else. Later they can re-savor the lovely details they've spent so long planning for.      


This invitation was from a wedding I shot for a family member. I'm not much for landscapes but I can go pretty overboard when it comes to focusing on the details of an event or situation. That's probably telling of my personality. I've got so much love, such a strong appetite, for the details that could slip by if you're not paying attention. After a year and a half, their marriage is still as lovely as the handmade paper in their invitations. Understated, clean, artistic, unique. Just like Claire and Chris.


One of the things my daughter and son-in-law are really fussy about is not posting images of their first baby online... so here's a way I obeyed the letter (and intent) of the law, but still recorded a stroller ride we enjoyed together one afternoon. Photo was processed "Orton" style. Walk was enjoyed "Whitney and Mimi" style.