I got a press release in the mail today. Guess it had to happen sooner or later. I just don’t envy the person who answers the call — the empty shoes that he or she will have to fill are enormous. Apparently the Victor Republican Committee is looking for candidates interested in running for “the vacant Town Justice seat left after the death of longtime Judge Edward ‘Marty’ Lyng.” “Longtime.” The word doesn’t even begin to cover it. My first encounter with Judge Lyng was at the close of a case involving an autistic student who faced charges resulting from a difficult experience at Victor High School. It was the first time I was actually impressed by a judge — in fact by anyone connected with the court system. He was smart, he was humble, he was informed, he was decisive — he seemed to be a man with a moral compass, a human being with both a mind and a heart. And neither got in the way of the other. Then I got to meet his mentor, Charlie Rose. (Double my awe.) He, too, seemed ...
— People, places, experiences and transformational moments I'll never forget